We developed a responsive and SEO-optimized website for the restaurant, enabling Safia to increase its visibility to a broader audience on the web.
We implemented an online ordering system, saving Safia Restaurant 30%-35% on commissions charged by delivery apps. Customers can now place orders directly on the restaurant's website, reducing waiting times and enabling smoother order management, particularly during peak hours and weekends.
We designed a dynamic digital menu with animations and installed it in the restaurant. Leveraging our expertise, we strategically promoted high-margin items such as big combos and family meals, boosting profitability for Safia. The newly installed menu resulted in an 18% increase in sales of targeted items.
We developed an innovative online ordering system that enables customers to scan a QR code and place orders directly to the kitchen. This solution not only saved the restaurant money on labor but also significantly increased overall efficiency, particularly during rush hours.